Organizer: MYRTUS Consortium
Date: 22/09/2025
Place: Alghero (Italy)

MYRTUS will organize a demo night, on the 22 September 2025, during the CPS Workshop of the 7th CPS Summer School – Designing Cyber-Physical Systems – From concepts to implementation. MYRTUS will be also part of the school, with tutorials related to its development. More information on the MYRTUS Intermediate Events will come soon!

What about the CPS summer school?

The CPS summer school is targeted at students, research scientists, and R&D experts from academia and industry, who want to learn about CPS engineering and applications. The program will cover all the design phases of CPSs, starting from the conception of the idea down to the definition of the final system and will discuss the key challenges (including adaptivity support, modelling and security) presenting state-of-the-art tools and methods and allowing participants to play with industrial and academic design environments.