MYRTUS Reference Infrastructure

It is very well known that centralized solutions struggle to meet scalable and low latency scenarios, as well as privacy matters. Therefore, MYRTUS defines a reference infrastructure where a diversity of fog-level and edge-level devices converge with the cloud to form a computing continuum capable of addressing the needs of complex and dynamic systems. Different partners contribute with their technologies. At the edge, we will leverage advanced embedded systems including heterogeneous multi-processor systems on chip and RISC-V, which will cooperate with the resources at the fog layer that might act simply as smart bridges or have the complexity of micro-data centres. On top of them, cloud resources will be accessed for storage and non-strictly real-time computing tasks.

Fig. MYRTUS Infrastructure

MYRTUS is funded by the European Union, by grant No. 101135183. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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