Organizer: Alessandra Bagnato, SOFTEAM, FranceBarbara Gallina, Mälardalen University (MDU), Sweden Daniela Cancila, CEA LIST, France Laurent Rioux, Thales, FranceLuis Miguel Pinho, ISEP, Portugal
Date: 14/06/2024
Place: Barcelona, Spain

MYRTUS was presented at Challenges and New Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering (DeCPS 2024), co-located with the 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024),  in Barcelona at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre.

MYRTUS presentation, titled “Towards Model-based System Engineering for Cyber Physical Systems in the MYRTUS project”, was focused on the work carried out by SOFTEAM in MYRTUS, related to Modelling.