ABI SenseIQ – Abinsula smart multi-sensor gateway


ABI SenseIQ is based on the Abinsula Yocto-based Embedded Linux Distribution (Ability). It includes an edge part with light computation capabilities and a cloud part interfaces with an operator. It transparently manages communication among the elements of the system and the operator. It supports different communication protocols (REST, MQTT, UDP, TCP, GRAPHQL, etc.) and accepts inputs described with custom-interfaces (data-interchange format). For each interface, a data converter module normalises the data interface, producing a standard JSON that can be sent to the cloud gateway. Main characteristics are: No vendor lock-in; No application specific; Generic and modular component; Main communication protocols; User-defined interfaces.

The strategy behind the evolution of the ABI SenseIQ is based on two pillars: extend the communication capabilities (integrating new protocols) and improve the computation power (integrating a decision node in the gateway to trigger system reconfiguration and supporting the computation near sensor). We will extend its edge processing capabilities to support decision making and trigger (sub)-system reconfiguration.

Assessment Plan@M18:
Preliminary integration with edge devices, and verification of proper bidirectional communication.

Expected Results@M18:
Integration: Boolean
Downlink communication: correctness of the message received.
Uplink communication: correctness of device (re-)configuration

Assessment Plan@M18:
Simulations to verify flexibility with respect to the different interfaces and protocols required by other MYRTUS devices. Metrics are N of different communication protocols supported; N of different user-defined interfaces supported
Expected Results@M18:
N of different communication protocols supported: Baseline = 6; Goal >= 6.*
N of different user-defined interfaces supported: Baseline = 5; Goal >= 5.

  • https://abinsula.com/ability/
  • T. Fanni, G. Meloni, M. Melis, A. Solinas, M.K. Zedda, “The Multi-Sensor Gateway, a Unified Communication Scheme and Orchestration Actor for Heterogeneous Systems”. In: Proceedings of the CPS Summer School PhD Workshop 2022, co-located with 4th Edition of the CPS Summer School (CPS 2022), Pula, Sardinia (Italy), September 19-23, 2022. Published in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-3252. ISSN 1613-0073. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3252/paper3.pdf

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9 Gennaio 2025