

Name WP Lead. Type Diss. level Due
Short Description
D14.1 NEC – POPD – EPQ – AI – H – Requirement No. 1 WP14 ABI ETHICS SEN M2
D13.1 Project quality handbook WP13 ABI R PU M3
Templates on the project management process, review process, quality checks, meetings organisation, etc.
D11.1 Project website and social media accounts WP11 SOFT DEC PU M3
Set-up of website and social media for results dissemination and exchange inside/outside consortium.
D12.1 Data Management Plan v1 WP12 TUD DMP PU M6
Analysis and definition of the data management policy for (meta-)data generated by the project
D14.2 EPQ – H – NEC – AI – POPD – Requirement No. 2 WP14 ABI ETHICS SEN M7
D11.2 Dissemination and Communication Plan v1 WP11 UPM R PU M8
Plan for the C&D activities during project lifetime.
D1.1 UC Needs, requirements and KPIs v1 WP1 UNISS R PU M8
UC requirements/needs, technical specifications, KPIs definition to guide project Phase 1 development.
D12.2 Exploitation, Standardisation and Open Source Plan v1 WP12 SOFT R SEN M8
Plan for the exploitation, standardisation and open source activities during project lifetime. This plan includes also the MYRTUS synergy strategy and related actions.
D3.1 MYRTUS Reference Infrastructure v1 WP3 HIRO R PU M16
Description of MYRTUS computing continuum reference infrastructure and its components including SoA analysis. Stand-alone components assessment as well as partial sub-systems integrations are discussed.
D5.1 MIRTO Cognitive Engine v1 WP5 TNO R PU M16
Architectural definition of the MIRTO cognitive engine and its managers. Stand-alone MIRTO agents implementation and assessment, partial integrations, and detailed SoA analysis are discussed.
MYRTUS tools and their extensions are described with their individual SoA analysis and preliminary advancements. The three different steps of MYRTUS DPE are detailed and partially integrated/accessed.
D9.1 Technology Assessment v1 WP9 TNO R/DEM PU M18
Phase 1 release of the Healthcare/Mobility UC prototypes using MYRTUS technologies.
D11.3 Dissemination and Communication Report v1 WP11 UPM R PU M18
Report on Phase 1 C&D activities and analysis on C&D metrics.
D12.3 Exploitation, Standardisation and Open Source Rep v1 WP12 ABI R SEN M18
Report on Phase 1 exploitation, standardisation and open source activities.
D12.4 Data Management Plan v2 WP12 TUD DMP PU M22
Update of D12.1
D11.4 Dissemination and Communication Plan v2 WP11 UPM R PU M22
Update of D11.2 considering Phase 1 and first review feedback, contributions from communities/ initiatives consultations and website/social media analysis.
D12.5 Exploitation, Standardisation and Open Source Plan v2 WP12 SOFT R SEN M22
Update of D12.2 considering Phase 1 and first review feedback, contributions from communities/ initiatives consultations.
D2.1 UC Needs, requirements and KPIs v2 WP2 UNISS R PU M22
Update od D1.1, with possible integrations/modification on the basis of the gathered feedback from partial technology assessment (D9.1), review feedback, and all the synergy-related activities.
D4.1 MYRTUS Reference Infrastructure v2 WP4 HIRO R PU M34
Update of D3.1 including advances with respect to SoA. The integration of the whole continuum is expected and discussed.
D6.1 MIRTO Cognitive Engine v2 WP6 TNO R PU M34
Update of D5.1 including the complete definition of all MIRTO blocks/managers, a detailed evaluation MIRTO 360° orchestrator over different systems and in different execution contexts, and SoA advances.
Update of D7.1 focussing on the complete MYRTUS DPE integration/assessment and on SoA advances achievable thanks to the integration.
D10.1 Technology Assessment v2 WP10 UNICA R/DEM PU M36
Update of D9.1 with Phase 2 release of the Healthcare/Mobility UC prototypes emphasizing the results advancing SoA realized due to MYRTUS technologies.
D11.5 Dissemination and Communication Report v2 WP11 UPM R PU M36
Update of D11.3 with Phase 2 activities/metrics also providing a prospect of forthcoming activities after the project lifetime.
D12.6 Exploitation, Standardisation and Open Source Rep v2 WP12 ABI R SEN M36
Update of D12.3 with Phase 2 activities providing also a prospect of activities to maximise project impact in the 5 years after project end and MYRTUS path to market.